Intriguing, poignant, profound, and breathtakingly imaginative, these are some of the superlatives that I can use to describe Vivian De Klerk’s latest offering. My brain is still…
Ezekiel Kekana
Ezekiel Kekana
I love reading and writing and I started this blog, the EW Blog to share my writing and the books that I am reading with everyone.
Climate change is one subject that does not get the necessary urgency that it requires from our government and ordinary citizens. I would like to believe…
Alexandra township with its 100 years of existence continues to produce eclectic South African stories. And Two Tons O’ Fun is the latest story based in…
Beyonce has the Beyhive, Franz Fanon has the Fanonists, and Marian Keyes has the Keyesionists(I made that up). Either way, Marian Keyes fandom would have to…
Book ReviewsKwela BooksNB PublishersNon-Fiction
Adulting 101 | A Valuable Tool on how to Survive the World of Mjolo and many Other Things
“ Make the right decisions in your early 20s, because if you fail to do so, you will spend the rest of your 30s and 40s…