The Cursed Touch follows the journey of self-discovery of a mother, wife, and investment executive, Sondra Carim-Edwards. A sequence of events brings her to her knees…
In the novel Veils Of Smoke, Sarah Key weaves an enthralling tale of how young women in South Africa are forced to navigate life through a…
Book ReviewsFictionKwela Books
The Fall- A Page-Turning Fiction Exposing the State’s Violent Behaviour in Shielding the Powerful elite to Account
Upon receiving my copy of Jen Thorpe’s latest offering, The Fall. One question which truly raced through my mind was, is it the fall of patriarchy and…
After reading the first two books of the BARE series (BARE- The Blesser Game and The Cradle of the Hockey Club), I think everyone become more curious to know how…
Mirror Cracked is set mainly in Rondebosch, Cape Town. A picture-perfect, prayerful, Muslim family gets rocked to its core by double tragedy, resultant in its wheels…