Intriguing, poignant, profound, and breathtakingly imaginative, these are some of the superlatives that I can use to describe Vivian De Klerk’s latest offering. My brain is still…
Pan Macmillan South Africa
Beyonce has the Beyhive, Franz Fanon has the Fanonists, and Marian Keyes has the Keyesionists(I made that up). Either way, Marian Keyes fandom would have to…
AutobiographyBook ReviewsMemoirsPan Macmillan South Africa
In Black and White | Celebrating Anant Singh’s Extraordinary Life of Telling the Truth Through Film
In many instances we turn to only celebrate the political elite for their role in defeating the apartheid regime, while ignoring others who showed great resistance…
Book ReviewsPan Macmillan South Africa
Cultureenering | The Science of Creating Strong Culture-Driven Business Leaders With Customer Service at their Heart
Covid-19 has exposed that the mission statements on the walls of some businesses just reflect lies. The ‘we treat all employees with the same respect’ statement…
Book ReviewsNon-FictionPan Macmillan South Africa
It’s The Answers For Me | A Book of the People, By the People, For the People
Hilarious, authentic, encouraging and inspirational- these are some of the words that I can use to describe Khaya Dlanga’s latest work. Once again Khaya has shown…