Leading in the 21st Century| Breeding New Leadership For Africa in the 4IR Era
Those who do not read must not lead because they will lead us into temptation and deliver us to poverty. This is the bold message from…
Those who do not read must not lead because they will lead us into temptation and deliver us to poverty. This is the bold message from…
Rešoketšwe Manenzhe is an award-winning winner author. She won the 2019 Writivism Short Story Prize and the 2019/2020 Dinaane Debut Fiction Award. In 2020, she released her debut book titled, Scatterlings- published by Jacana Media. In this Q&A, Rešoketšwe reflects on writing the book, the race history of South Africa, creating diverse female characters, and her next book.
In South Africa’s literary space, the most agreed upon sentiment is that one can only be a ‘certified author’ after they have published their third book. …
Dikgang Moseneke is a retired former Deputy Chief Justice of the Republic of South Africa. Since his retirement from the Constitutional Court of South Africa, he has written two books. His latest book is called All Rise published by Pan MacMillan South Africa in 2020. In this Q&A session with EW BLOG’s editor, Ezekiel Kekana, Justice Moseneke reflects on his latest book, the genesis of the Constitutional Court, the role of religion in a secular state and pays respect to the late chief justices, Pius Langa and Arthur Chaskalson.
The economic effects brought by Covid-19 continues to hurt all different types of businesses across the globe. Small, medium and big corporates are shutting their doors…
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