Reset Rebuild Reignite | A Practical Handbook On How to Seize Business Opportunities During a Crisis

Reset Rebuild Reignite - Pavlo Phitidis

The economic effects brought by Covid-19 continues to hurt all different types of businesses across the globe. Small, medium and big corporates are shutting their doors on a daily basis due to strict national lockdowns across the globe necessitated by the governments’ bid to flatten the curve of infections.

This has thus left many people unemployed and business owners losing the legacies they built for years.

So, the question has thus become what should be done to save these businesses during this difficult global situation?

Well, Pavlo Phitidis has come up with not only a solution to save many businesses from closing down, but how they should thrive in tough times.

In Reset Rebuild Reignite, Pavlo provides business owners with a practical battle plan to ensure that their businesses seize all the opportunities presented by the challenges and crises brought by Covid-19.

Using case studies of how he managed to help his many clients across the world, the scribe thoroughly dissects why business owners should apply the three Rs- reset, rebuild, and reignite during a crisis to ensure that they not only survive the crises, but they increase their turnovers, profits and expand their business during these tough times.

While I was eating away the pages of this book, bus company, Greyhound announced that it will shut down its operations. I was shattered and I felt like had the executives of this company read this book months prior to their decision, they could have saved the company and the livelihood of their employees.

I need to admit that Reset Rebuild Reignite is just not a book, but a living and practical tool that will guide business owners on how to navigate to better shores during a crisis than being consumed by the crisis itself.

I like how Pavlo truly simplified complex business concepts into practical easy steps for every business owner to follow during a crisis.

Reset Rebuild Reignite is an important must-read guide for business owners, government leaders, and citizens.

Now, while this is a good and important read, I truly struggled with keeping my reading pace throughout, and that is due to the long chapters in the book. I believe Pavlo could have shortened the chapters a little bit, just so to keep a reader’s attention and energy intact throughout, without the need to stop in the middle of a chapter to take a breath.

Besides that, Reset Rebuild Reignite is an incredibly insightful book, and a tool that will save many businesses across the globe. 

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